Feed RIVERINA PULLET GROWER CRUMBLES (Medicated) to pullets from 6 weeks to 16-18 weeks of age.
Birds should have unlimited access to the feed (ad lib). Commercial pullets may need to be restrictively fed to meet the breeders recommended growth rates.
No supplementary feeding is necessary.
Produced as a crumble which eliminates separation, minimises feed wastage and improves digestibility.
RIVERINA PULLET GROWER CRUMBLES (Medicated) contain balanced protein and energy levels to support an even growth rate.
Protein meals supply essential amino acids for growth.
Balanced calcium and phosphorus levels help develop a sound skeleton in preparation for laying.
Manufactured to strict quality control standards for incoming raw materials and the finished product.
Formulated in accordance with current research into poultry nutrition and mixed using a variety of quality raw materials.
This feed contains Bovatec which supplies lasalocid sodium at 90 mg/kg as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by certain Eimeria species.